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builder build bundlebuilder build pluginbuilder new plugin

builder build bundle

External Package

To use this command, you need to use the @yarnpkg/builder package either:

  • By installing it locally using yarn add and running it using yarn run
  • By downloading and running it in a temporary environment using yarn dlx

Build the local bundle.


$> builder build bundle


Build the local bundle :

builder build bundle

Build the local development bundle :

builder build bundle --no-minify



--profile #0

Only include plugins that are part of the the specified profile

--plugin #0

An array of plugins that should be included besides the ones specified in the profile


Don't include the git hash of the current commit in bundle version


Build a bundle for development, without optimizations (minifying, mangling, treeshaking)


Includes a source map in the bundle


This command builds the local bundle - the Yarn binary file that is installed in projects.

For more details about the build process, please consult the @yarnpkg/builder README: https://github.com/yarnpkg/berry/blob/HEAD/packages/yarnpkg-builder/README.md.