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Interface Hooks


  • Hooks


Optional afterWorkspaceDependencyAddition

afterWorkspaceDependencyAddition: undefined | function

Called when a new dependency is added to a workspace. Note that this hook is only called by the CLI commands like yarn add - manually adding the dependencies into the manifest and running yarn install won't trigger it.

Optional afterWorkspaceDependencyRemoval

afterWorkspaceDependencyRemoval: undefined | function

Called when a dependency range is removed from a workspace. Note that this hook is only called by the CLI commands like yarn remove - manually removing the dependencies from the manifest and running yarn install won't trigger it.

Optional afterWorkspaceDependencyReplacement

afterWorkspaceDependencyReplacement: undefined | function

Called when a dependency range is replaced inside a workspace. Note that this hook is only called by the CLI commands like yarn add - manually updating the dependencies from the manifest and running yarn install won't trigger it.

Optional fetchPackageInfo

fetchPackageInfo: undefined | function

Called by yarn info. The extra field is the set of parameters passed to the -X,--extra flag. Calling registerData will add a new set of data that will be added to the package information.

For instance, an "audit" plugin could check in extra whether the user requested audit information (via -X audit), and call registerData with those information (retrieved dynamically) if they did.

For instance, an "audit" plugin could check in extra whether the user requested audit information (via -X audit), and call registerData with those information (retrieved dynamically) if they did.

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